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Get A Dental Implant Restoration After Tooth Extraction

Get A Dental Implant Restoration After Tooth Extraction

A dental implant restoration can replace a missing tooth that falls out naturally, gets knocked out or is extracted. A dental implant restoration is often recommended after tooth extraction, as it prevents bone loss from occurring and offers cosmetic and functional benefits. There are several ways to replace a missing tooth after an extraction, including with…

Reasons To Consider All On  ® Teeth Replacement

Reasons To Consider All-on-4® Teeth Replacement

If you are missing all the teeth on your lower or upper jaw, you may be a good candidate for an All-on-4® system that uses four dental implants to secure a custom-fit fixed denture. It is a type of implant-supported denture that solves most of the common issues of traditional dentures. This article will outline…